ET console

The basic et console can be opened by pressing the ” ~ ” key (above TAB). If you already have a config file then the console for you will be opened by pressing the key you bound for the “toggleConsole”.

When typing in the console is always wise to use the “/” sign in front of what you are typing, otherwise it will appear in the chat and everyone can see it (in the case of the passwords for example).

A few common keyboard keys which are used to navigate in the console:

PGUP & PGDN – scrolls up and down the console
MOUSEWHEEL – does the same as above
ALT+END – goes to the end of the console
ALT+~ (consolekey) – opens the console way down to full screen
CTRL+~ (consolekey) – opens the console in a minimal height only (3+1 lines)

Also there are a few commands which are useful:

/clear – clears out the whole console
/cmdlist – lists almost all the commands in the console (290 commands in total)
/cvarlist – lists almost all the cvars in the console (854 cvars in total)
/condump – “et_console_save.txt” writes the more recent console lines into a text file named “et_console_save”

Prefix meanings
Autocomplete console

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